MPA celebrates World IP Day 2021

April 23, 2021

We have created an animated gif (as attached) that illustrates how audiences, by paying for their entertainment through legitimate channels, help fund the development of new ideas, and in turn, the production of original films and television shows for their enjoyment.

Many of our most popular movies and television shows started with that initial brilliant idea that took shape in a filmmaker’s imagination. What follows is the contribution of many creative minds, months and years of development and effort, until the final execution in the production and post production of the project. Then comes the turn of expert marketers, publicists and promoters, along with distribution executives and technology professionals, to deliver the show on various services around the world, on the screen of your choice.

The life-cycle of any piece of creative content requires the hard work of hundreds, if not thousands, of creative-minded people, committed to providing you with high quality screen entertainment. Your participation in this screen industry value chain, is equally important as all of those involved in the making of the product. When you go to the cinema, watch TV, or subscribe to streaming service, you are playing your vital part in a dynamic yet fragile ecosystem. Thanks to you, those with new story ideas are more likely to attract investment, and begin the long journey to create what could become your favourite new show or movie.

Here’s to playing your part, encouraging innovation and creativity, and ensuring that quality shows continue to be made! #WorldIPDay #SupportCreativity