
Of Course Parasite Set an All-Time Viewing Record on Hulu

April 20, 2020

bong joon ho

Yohana Desta
April 15, 2020

Months after the Oscars, Parasite is still setting records. In the last week the Bong Joon Ho–directed masterpiece became available to stream exclusively on Hulu and, according to IndieWire, instantly became the most streamed independent or foreign-language film in the streamer’s catalog. It’s also Hulu’s second-most-watched movie overall, easily outpacing films that have been available to watch for a longer period of time.

The streamer bolstered the movie’s success by handily trolling Twitter users who didn’t care for the Oscar-winning South Korean film. “It’s not in English, no one wants to watch a movie that they literally have to read to understand what’s going on,” one user wrote. Hulu’s response? “If you don’t want to read subtitles, you can always learn Korean!”

Parasite became available to stream on Hulu on April 8, almost exactly two months after it stormed the Academy Awards and won the statuettes for best picture, best director, best original screenplay, and best international feature film. (And yet it is still maddening that there were zero acting nominations! Make that make sense, Academy!) The genre-busting film made history as the first non-English-language film to win best picture, in addition to being the first South Korean film to win that category and best international feature—much to the chagrin of Donald Trump, who has not seen it and probably could not handle all that reading anyway.

This article was first found here.